Tuesday 3 May 2011

24 Lessons for "24"

This is another idea I came up with while lurking on-line. It took me a couple of days to come up with it but here it is!

24 Lessons I have learned for "24":

1. You can't save everyone and it really isn't your responsibility. "They" are responsible for saving themselves.
2. There really are two sides to every story.
3. There is no shame in asking for help.
4. I love owning our own home!! It was a scary process but I'm glad we pulled through.
5. Remember to take time for yourself.
6. Sometimes things have to get absolutely terrible before it gets better.
7. It's okay to say "No".
8. I'm not ready to have a baby yet and will enjoy watching my friend's little miracles until I'm ready.
9. There is nothing wrong with planning your live.
10. I will disappoint people with my decisions- I cannot please everyone.
11. Sometimes you need to take a chance. If you fail- LEARN FROM IT.
12. Things happen for a reason.
13. I can be selfish and that's okay!
14. Just Breathe.
15. I have to respect that some people will not change- no matter how much I wish they would.
16. I can be irrational, moody, crazy, bitchy (basically a hot mess) and Aaron will still think I am a beautiful/wonderful person. I'm lucky.
17. Reading is my escape- and I will always justify why I should spend my money on books.
18. Trying to cut drama out of my life is actually a hard thing to do.
19. I'm lucky to be in love with my best friend.
20. Friendships will come and go.
21. You need to leave work at work- otherwise it'll just drive you crazy!
22. I was meant to be in the helping profession.
23. Negativity will eat you alive if you let it.
24. Tell your parents you love them- they're behind you 100%


  1. Dear Megan, you have described us both to a tee (except substituting Jeff for Aaron in my case, other wise that would be weird!)!
    I love how similar yet how different we are.
    I think #1 and #20 are really hard pills to swallow for me, I want people to make good choices and I want to hold on to all my friends.
    I would like to add one more since I am 25.

    25. Your opinion matters!

  2. I love this - especially no. 1 and 2..... How did you get this smart? Must be from me!!!! lol
