Thursday, 5 May 2011

Dear 16 Year Old Self:

I saw this article about people who were on Twitter were"tweeting" their 16-year old selves advice. I wanted to try that out, so here it goes:

Dear 16 year-old Self:

Where do I begin?

The next couple of years are going to be hard on you. You are going to loose two people that mean the world to you. It is going to hurt like hell and there will be day when you feel that you cannot go on. But you are strong, even though you don't feel that you are. The pain will eventually subside but you will think of them everyday.

You need to stop letting people take advantage of you. They see you as a kind person and they think that they can walk all over you. You DO NOT need these people in your life.

I know that you feel like the relationship you are in right now is the one that you are going to be stuck with forever. When you pictured the "perfect guy" he sure as hell wasn't it and you feel trapped. You will find someone and it will happen when you least expect it. He is absolutely perfect for you. He will support you, take care of you and love you for who you are. He is your soul mate.

This might come as a shock to you, but everything mom told you about high school was right!! I know!! Some people peaked in high school- you don't. You're lucky.

There will also be a time when you actually thank you're parents for being so strict with you. I know you must think I'm bullshitting you now, but it's true!

So chin up, Hun!! It might not seem like it now- but you are going to have a great life! :)



  1. I love this - especially the part about what I said was RIGHT!!! If only we could really give ourselves advice from beyond.... this was a neat idea.

  2. Love it! What a great idea, I may have to steal it!

  3. I love this, might have to try it out. ps. I feel bad for those who peak in High School :P
