Monday, 30 May 2011

The Joy Pledge

The Joy Pledge~ a dedicated effort to find and choose joy on a regular basis in hopes that sharing it will, in turn, inspire others to choose joy as well

Lately I have been on a "finding happiness" kick. Having suffered from depression and anxiety through most of my teenage years and my early twenties, I am now inspired to change this. Depression and anxiety can be so toxic and harmful. It makes you take for granted everything that is so precious in your life. You focus so much on the negatives and the "what-ifs" that you are missing the here and now! Life is just too damn short to feel miserable all the time!

I saw the Joy Pledge while surfing the Net and just loved the simplicity of it. This is something everyone should do.

How it works:
There are no rules to the joy pledge. This isn’t a weekly or monthly project, or something dedicated solely to photos or solely to words. A joy pledge post stems purely from inspiration. Maybe it’s a photo of a sunset, or a description of a newly mastered yoga pose. It might be a recorded conversation with a stranger, or a picture of the best cupcake you’ve ever had the pleasure of sampling. A joy pledge post exists to share and inspire the art of finding and choosing joy at every available opportunity.
If you choose to take the joy pledge, the same rules (or lack thereof) apply to you. Bonus points will be awarded to those who can find joy in the most uncommon (and perhaps unjoyful) places.

So I am taking the Pledge! Hopefully you do too! :)

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