Saturday, 30 April 2011

Goal: Giving up Pop- Day One!!

I have never been a huge fan of alcohol. I drink it at parties and social occasions, but I was never one of those people who drank wine during a meal or have a beer after a long hard day at work. No, my vice is POP! Pepsi or Coke, it doesn't matter, I just WANT it!! I know all the health risks, how there is absolutely no nutritional value what-so-ever and that it is basically just sugary sap. But I love the taste of it!

Six months before we got married, I gave it up and I could not believe how good I felt. But then we went to Disney World for the honeymoon and they had Vanilla Cokes there- VANILLA COKES!!! So needless to say, I started the habit again.

So I am giving up this horrible habit- cold turkey. I am not even drinking diet pop (that stuff will kill you!!). I feel the headache coming on already. So wish me luck! I want to stop this nasty habit once and for all!!


  1. Ha! good for you dear!
    I should give it up too, but I've been drinking the no cal stuff... it's not too bad!

    PS: Everything can kill ya Meg, diet pop isn't the worst thing out there!


  2. Don't listen to anyone who says diet pop won't kill ya -- maybe not but it will give you a heart condition, a brain tumor, early onset alzheimers.... take it from someone who ended up in the ER with defib paddles next to her -- the culprit -- aspertame..... EVIL STUFF. It might not be the worst thing out there - but it sure ranks up there. Stay away from it Meg.
