Sunday, 11 September 2011

Tough Questions....

I Googled "Questions to ask yourself before you have children". I have been so obsessed with this topic for awhile now, and more often than not, I get caught up in the daydream of having one. A few of my close friends have already had babies and they are absolutely gorgeous and wonderful. They're lucky though- their babies sleep through the night, hardly fuss, social, I hate to say "good" babies, but they are! So I'm trying to get out of the whole fantasy world of it and come back to reality.

So if you are in a similar situation as I am, this might be helpful!

~ Are you ready to be selfless? What about your partner?

~ Are we financially ready?

~ Are we ready for life to get a little more complicated?

~ Are you ready to surrender control over your body?

~ Have we experienced everything we wanted to or are we okay without experiencing it for the next 18 years?

~ Considered multiples, disabilities? etc.

~ Career- Are we secure? Will there need to be changes?

~ Do we both agree on how to raise the child and respect each other as parents?

~ Have you ever considered the reasons for having a child?

~ If we found out we were pregnant next month, what would we think?  :) or AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

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